I am always searching for relevant articles that my readers will find useful, and those that relate to the real estate industry in some way. There are hundreds of resources available to me through trade connections, all of which offer insights into various components of the business. I have used statistical reports on home sales, foreclosures and trends, government program updates, and editorial comment from real estate experts. This morning I was inspired by an article I read in one of the trade magazines, because it made me realize I can deliver my own message instead of “re-tweeting” someone else’s.
Having run a successful sales organization for over 20 years, I understand completely the impact of business cycles. I also understand the importance of projecting a positive attitude, even in the lowest of times. When people ask me why I am in real estate during this horrible phase in our economy, I can’t help but think they are missing the point; you don’t just walk away from your team when they’re losing. On the contrary, these are the times we need to put out extra effort and not rest on our laurels while we “wait for the market to come back”. We ARE the market. The positive energy we put out there can make a big difference in how things are not only perceived, but also achieved.
Fear and uncertainty are the biggest challenges facing us today. We all need some true care and concern when we are making big decisions. How can I provide that to my clients if I am sitting around lamenting about how bad things are? Let’s look to the opportunities, not the failures. And they are out there.
One day years ago, my husband Andy came home with a speeding ticket (not the first or last time, I will admit). Something the officer said to him stuck with me. When asked if he knew how fast he was going, Andy replied “…well I was just moving with the traffic.” The officer’s response? “Sir, you ARE the traffic.”
Let’s BE the market.
This article is from my Holiday 2009 Update, which has some wonderful things in store! CLICK THIS LINK to take you there!