“Houseguest” continues its video series created by the exclusive collaboration of Sotheby’s International Realty and the Wall Street Journal Custom Studios. This 4-episode series follows influential and inspirational people as they become a houseguest in a home represented by our brand and blend their lives with the unique lifestyle found with their extraordinary accommodations.
EPISODE 2 | Alicia & Jim Ward
As an underwater photography team, Alicia & Jim Ward thrive cooperatively to capture beautiful images of the world’s oceans. Together they embrace challenging conditions to continuously push their creative capabilities to showcase the enchanting life beneath the surface.
In this episode of Houseguest, Alicia and Jim visit Turtle Tail, a spectacular tropical compound in Turks & Caicos located on a private peninsula. Watch how this couple discovers the dynamic fusion of home and nature found at this breathtaking estate.
Stay tuned for our new videos in future Cashman Partners posts!
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