“Houseguest” is a new custom video series created by the exclusive collaboration of Sotheby’s International Realty and the Wall Street Journal Custom Studios. This 4-episode series follows influential and inspirational people as they become a houseguest in a home represented by our brand and blend their lives with the unique lifestyle found with their extraordinary accommodations.
EPISODE 1 | Kevin Red Star
As one of the most acclaimed artists of our time, Kevin Red Star, is a Native American Painter of American Indian Culture. Born and raised on the Crow Indian Nation in Lodge Grass, Montana, Kevin Red Star finds inspiration in his family, heritage and abundance of visual experience to compose a signature style and palette.
In the first episode of Sotheby’s International Realty | Houseguest, Kevin Red Star visits a stunning home in Weehawken, New Jersey with almost touchable views of the New York City skyline. Watch how Kevin Red Star is inspired by his new and very different surroundings to create his latest masterpiece.
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